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Friday, 9 June 2017

New CA Curriculum Syllabus from 2017 or 2018

New CPT, CA Final & CA IPCC Syllabus 2017, that is being revised by the ICAI has officially announced the date of its applicability. There has been intense speculation among students as to when will this new revised syllabus of CA IPCC & CA final will come into effect. This also led to serious confusion among students.The new Revised CA Syllabus will not made applicable to old students immediately. The new CA course syllabus has already been approved by the ministry.

Revised CA Syllabus Applicable from 1st July, 2017:

All concerned are hereby informed that the Revised Scheme of Education and Training for CA course will come into effect from 1st July, 2017.
Students who are eligible to register in the CPT/IIPCC/Final under the existing scheme, may register on or before 30th June, 2017. With effect from 1st July, 2017, the registration in the CPT/IIPCC/Final under the existing scheme will discontinue.
More details on the scheme and what are the consequences for old syllabus students will be available very soon (likely in couple of days).

New CA Syllabus Applicability Date

It is a known fact that, the syllabus of CA Course is being radically changed. We have been receiving numerous requests regarding the applicability of this new syllabus.
It is hereby clarified that, the new syllabus will likely come into effect only from May/June 2018 exams.
Students registered under existing syllabus will likely be given 2-3 attempts chance to pass the exams, after which the new syllabus will be made applicable.
Students who registered under old syllabus will be given at least three attempts before making the new syllabus applicable to them.

Latest Update from ICAI President (31th Aug)

As you may be aware, CA profession is undergoing a rapid transformation and CA professionals are producing excellence in a variety of professional fields and spheres challenging the stereotype.
Emerging borderless economies, surge in IT development and resulting complexities, increasing emphasis on CSR, and, above all, increasing strategic importance of CA professionals as complete business solution provider, have all contributed to this transformation.
At ICAI, we are in the final stages of implementing a new scheme of education and training with an objective to prepare more competent, better equipped and more responsible generation of chartered accountants. Nelson Mandela said: Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
In line with the relevant International Education Standards of IFAC, this new course curriculum has been designed to benchmark the Indian CA education with the best in the world and make our students and future members of the CA fraternity more competent and multifarious professionals, and enablers of compliance and fiscal discipline.

CA CPT Revised Syllabus

Paper 1Principles and Practices of Accounting100 Marks
Paper 2 (Part I)Mercantile Laws60 Marks
Paper-2 (Part-II)General English40 Marks
Paper 3Business Mathematics Logical Reasoning and Statistics100 Marks
Paper 4Business Economics & Business and Commercial Knowledge100 Marks

CA IPCC Revised New Syllabus

 Paper 1 Accounting 100 Marks
 Paper 2 Corporate and Other Laws 100 Marks
 Paper  3 Cost Accounting 100 Marks
 Paper 4A Direct Tax Laws 60 Marks
 Paper 4B Indirect Tax Laws 40 Marks
 Paper 5 Advanced Accounting 100 Marks
 Paper 6 Auditing and Assurance 100 Marks
 Paper 7A Financial Management 60 Marks
 Paper 7B Business Economic Environment 40 Marks
 Paper 8A Information Technology 60 Marks
 Paper 8B Strategic Management 40 Marks

CA Final New Revised Syllabus

 Paper 1Financial Reporting 100 Marks
 Paper 2Strategic Financial Management 100 Marks
 Paper  3Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics 100 Marks
 Paper 4ACorporate Laws 60 Marks
 Paper 4BOther Economic Laws 40 Marks
 Paper 5Advanced Management Accounting 100 Marks
 Paper 6AFinancial Services and Capital Markets 50 Marks
 Paper 6BInformation Systems Control and Audit 50 Marks
 Paper 7AAdvanced Direct Tax Laws 70 Marks
 Paper 7BInternational Taxation 30 Marks
 Paper 8B Advanced Indirect Laws 100 Marks

Highlights of the New Revised CA Course

  • The President of ICAI, M.Devaraja Reddy, announced that the new CA Syllabus has been approved by the Corporate Affiars ministry and yet to be approved by the Law Affairs Ministry.
  • Once approved, it is likely to be made applicable from November 2017 exams. Existing students under old syllabus will be chance for few attempts before being converted to the new curriculum.
  • Under new syllabus, many changes were brought in all three levels i.e., CPT, IPCC and Final.
  • CPT will then be for 400 marks, with two theory and two objective type papers.
  • CA IPCC will have 8 subjects. Ethics and Communication part will be removed from Law Paper. Financial Management will then be moved to second group carrying 100 marks.
  • CA Final will have a new subject named ‘Capital Markets’ in the Second Group, for 50 Marks sharing the paper with ISCA.

Source : Finapp

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